Saturday, June 2, 2007

ToK camp

It's a great feeling to know that 2 semesters are already behind me :D . really . and Sem 3 is supposed to be the most jam-packed in the history of an IB student . I hope they were exaggerating when they said that . I'm boring , I know .

This should be my first blog post in God-knows-how-many-lightyears , and the whole thing about the password protected blog was nothing . really . just that i don't have the heart to delete the old blog with all the personal stuffs. Anyway .. yea . life

Anyway , ToK camp rocked BIG time :D . I think we have the best combination of groupmates . Zain , Sher May , Pengeran , Zaki , Wan Farah , Athiray , Sey , Ain and yours truly .

me loikes ;-)

Of black / white magic and galloping horses : Zain , Sher May and I . the ride back to college was pretty memorable . the havoc on the bus hv our names written all over it .. hahah .

Sweethearts <3>

Arina and Mas : after the talk on art appreciation .

Nizam , Amilia , Cheryl and Sher May . After 3 days of T.o.K-ing . such a waste that A levels students can't have ToK classes . . .

For some reasons , the camp really reminded me of the usual BRATs camp. never thought all these crazy people were looming around the campus ground . Zain , Sher May, Zaki and Pengeran especially . And we had this Moot Court thing .. somthing like a play-act law drama session . The case was pretty interesthing . I was Susan Smart . basically the 25- year old lass who murdered her 45-year-old friggingly rich boyfriend due to excessive abuse from him . Something to do with Battered Woman Syndrome :P . hahah .. it was something ;-) . wish i had video taped it .

but we won the case though . escaped with manslaughter instead of first degree murder ^_^ .
i dunno how can that sound like a good thing . but yea . Susan Smart live =) .

just that . a post to signify that i'm still alive , kicking and well XD .



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